  諮商理論與實務(SOPS210) 課程概要
  This course explores the applied field of counseling psychology with a focus on the counselor as person and professional and the ethical issues involved in counseling and psychotherapy. This course mainly looks at the ten perspectives of therapy they include: Psychoanalytic, Adlerian, Existential, Person Centered, Gestalt, Reality, Behavior, Cognitive Behavior, Family Systems, and Eclectic Structural Brief Therapy. All of the ten therapeutic perspectives have something to contribute to the understanding of the therapeutic process, so not only does the course focus on what each approach's key concepts and process but also points out the techniques, procedures and assessment processes. Study will be made as to how the insights and ideas of these therapeutic approaches has been studied and researched. Practical application of these therapy approaches to the same individual sample case will also be presented.
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