  資訊社會學(SOPS255) 課程概要
  資訊科技在今日已成為人們日常生活不可或缺的一部分。而其所帶來的種種影響也顯示出資訊科技並不只是單純的工具、技術物,而是當代社會日常生活的構成基礎,形塑著我們的社會與文化樣態。本課程希望透過對於當代資訊科技發展及影響的討論,培養學生們對於資訊科技的認識與批判能力,進而反省自身於其中所扮演的角色,及可能採取的作為。誠如當代重要的傳播學者Marshall McLuhan所說的,「對於什麼事情都看不見的人來說,什麼事情都很突然」。而唯有「理解」才能夠進一步掌握改變的可能性。本課程首先將從「媒介」的角度切入,讓學生重新認識所謂的資訊科技,並進一步理解科技、媒介與社會之間密不可分的關係。
  This course attempts to develop student’s knowledge and critical thinking of the information society. Information technology plays an indispensable role in our contemporary everyday life. It is not just a “tool”; on the contrary, it constitutes the foundation of our society. We have already experienced how the information technology changed our world. For example, the invention of printing makes the nation-state possible and all kinds of electronic media bring us into the age of “the global village” by accelerating everything. As Marshall McLuhan has said, “to the blind all things are sudden.” The only way to grasp the possibility of change is to understand what and how the information technology did to our life. This course will show the way to understand the relationship between the information technology and our society. The key perspective is to view technologies as media rather than just tools.
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