  社區營造與文化創生(SOPS258) 課程概要
  This course is a deep exploration into the themes of community development and cultural revitalization within the context of social welfare. It focuses on the localization trends in social welfare development, examining the operational models and the challenges these organizations face. This course takes a critical look at how social welfare organizations, through the process of competing for social, cultural, political, and financial capital, can effectively contribute to community development and cultural revitalization. Students will explore how these organizations navigate the intricate balance between enhancing social value and fulfilling their responsibilities within the community. This exploration includes understanding how policies shape the sector and how effective management practices contribute to the success of community-focused initiatives. By the end of this course, students will have developed a well-rounded perspective on the intersection of social welfare with community development and cultural revitalization. They will be equipped with the knowledge and skills to contribute meaningfully to this sector, understanding the crucial role of social welfare organizations in shaping vibrant, culturally rich, and resilient communities.
世新大學   台北市文山區木柵路一段17巷1號  電話:(02)2236-8225  傳真:(02)2236-6426    版權所有、轉載必究 ‧Copyright Shih Hsin University