  0資料分析(含實作演練2H)(SOPS263) 課程概要
  本課程藉由教導學生學習SPSS軟體的過程中,培養他們對資料做整理、描述、分析、與解釋的能力。 課程內容著重研究或統計問題的解決,藉由接觸實際或假設性資料而培養出選取適當統計方法以解決 研究問題的能力。
  This course provides a basic understanding of the uses of statistics. In the class, students will learn the relevant statistical procedures used in the behavioral sciences and their application to the research and practice. Students will work as a team to finish a series of questionnaire development, data collection, data analysis, and papers writing and presenting. Students can not only apply statistical methods and techniques to derive their own statistical analyses, but also be familiar with the applications of statistical package and programming language. The emphasis of this course is on learning statistical methods and concepts through hands-on experience with real data using the statistical software package SPSS or SAS. Topics include descriptive statistics, graphical presentation, hypothesis tests, correlation, and regression. Grading is based on written reports, presentations, and exams.
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