  證券投資實務(FIN418) 課程概要
  This course is a blend of modern investment theory developed by top-ranked business schools and state-of-the-art portfolio management practice utilized by sophisticated institutional investors. The goal is to prepare Finance Department graduates who are going to enter the Securities firms with ready-to-profit securities investment knowledge and skills. The first part of this course is to give students a systematic understanding of the operation and development of both domestic and global financial markets. Opportunities are offered for students to participate in real-world interviews of owners and managers of financial institutions and publicly-listed companies. Next, we will focus on portfolio management theory, by reviewing the essentials of investment theory. Both fundamental and technical perspectives are included to provide students comparative advantages in their professional career. Finally, students will take part in seminars focused on crucial financial issues, global Macroeconomic environment, real-world industrial competition, and stock valuation. Well-known fund managers or securities analysts will be invited to present their professional viewpoints and experiences.
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